Finding a Way to Help Others Fight Cancer
I find myself in the middle of fighting cancer, but I feel fortunate to have so much support in many ways. I have a significant other who is constantly there for me, I have my mother who consistently checks in on me and helps with my needs, family and friends who have supported me by making sure that my spirits are up and have also sent me financial contributions. Having this kind of love and support has really helped me make it through some difficult times.
But sadly, this is not true for all cancer patients, some patients don’t have enough support or any support at all. Although they may have access to the internet many don’t know how to find the resources that they need to make it through their treatments. They struggle mentally with their diagnosis, some find themselves in need of food, help around the house and of course financially.
Meeting patients in this situation is so heart breaking especially when I am experiencing cancer and know firsthand how difficult it is. This has led Ammie and I to begin the development of Corah Cares. The end goal of Corah Cares will be to create weekly introduction to cancer online class that will provide patients with the necessary information, resources, and support that they need to make it through their cancer journey.
The weekly online course will cover topics like treating side-effects, proper nutrition, exercise, mental health, finding local resources, and helping patients find others to support them financially through crowdfunding and social media.
Although, we still have a difficult journey ahead of us, we feel compelled to begin working on this project now. In order to make this happen and to continue to support my journey through cancer we’ve developed a monthly giving program. We urge you to take a look at our program in which a contribution of just $10 a month can help support my journey but also help develop a program that can eventually help others with their cancer discovery and journey.
“Thank you for following my journey. If you have the means and wish to contribute to my program by becoming a ‘Jose’s Hero’ where $10 per month can really help us help others I invite you to review our progam. In the meantime, join our Today with José email updates below.”