
I’m a cancer fighter, a significant other to a fantastic caregiver, a son, a father, and a soon-to-be grandfather. I have spent my life as an entrepreneur and a digital marketer. I’ve realized that life is a journey and a challenge. We have great times and difficult ones, but sometimes those difficult times seem almost impossible to overcome. I’ve seen people document their journey through blogs and often wondered why. Why take the time to document one’s life for others to see?

But now I recognize the value people bring online by sharing their business experiences or their personal struggles and how they’re overcoming them. They bring inspiration and motivation to others, which in part has moved me to begin sharing my personal life online, in hopes that I can also help inspire and assist others.

My journey is one like so many others out there, one of overcoming adversity, particularly that of fighting cancer since April of 2021. It has been perhaps one of the hardest things that I have been forced to take on, and let me tell you I’ve been faced with situations in my life that would give most people PTSD (I’m sure I too have suffered from that at different points in my life).

My Fight Against Cancer

My fight against cancer is one I didn’t see coming and one I can’t easily defend against. In the past, whenever I was faced with a physical confrontation, I could see my attacker. I could see if they were stronger or faster. I could see what I was up against, but cancer is an attacker I can’t see. It just creeped up on me and is literally trying to kill me.

You hear stories all the time of people who have and are currently facing a fight against cancer, but you never really understand the difficulty until it hits your home. That’s exactly what happened to me. I spent my entire life never spending time in a hospital. I never had an operation and never had an extended stay in a hospital. Discovering I had cancer changed my life in one fell swoop.

Cancer Has Changed My Goals

My goal from this blog is threefold. First, I hope that those of you who have recently discovered you have cancer realize that you’re not alone in that battle. Whether you have family or friends or even an online community, you’re not alone and neither are your caregivers.

Second, I hope to reach as many people as possible who have the desire to learn more of the effects that cancer has on people’s lives, and I hope that those who can are able to help those people affected by cancer. It can be something as simple as providing simple words of encouragement, providing a meal, or even donating to them monetarily.

Third, I wish to continue my entrepreneurial life and continue to grow some of the programs and businesses that I have been working on. Plus, I want to share with you digital marketing insights that may also help grow your own business.

I write this preface after a six-month battle with cancer that everyone thought I had beaten, but after four weeks from my last chemo treatment, I had a scan that showed the cancer was still actively growing and threatening my life. I have a long journey ahead of me, and I invite you all to share this experience with me and help me in #kickingcancersass.

“Thank you for following my journey. If you have the means and wish to contribute to my program by becoming a ‘Jose’s Hero’ where $10 per month can really help us help others I invite you to review our progam. In the meantime, join our Today with José email updates below.”


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Exciting News to Share

Besides talking about my cancer journey, I want to share with you programs that I am working on that will help others in business, patients and caregivers with cancer and even young adult with education. I've realized that I need to #LIVELIFE different and really work on things that have more of an impact, so I invite you to join me on my journey. 


I'm so excited that you have chosen to join me on my journey.