Jose A. Rosa

Jose A. Rosa

Jose A. Rosa FollowFollowFollow Website: www.TodaywithJose.comGiving Program: Diagnosis: Stage 4 Hodgkins LymphomaDate Diagnosed: April 5th, 2021Things I like: The New York Yankees, a good workout, playing softball and basketball,...
Discovering Cancer is Gone

Discovering Cancer is Gone

Discovering Cancer is Gone My chemotherapy treatment started in April of 2021. It was scheduled every two weeks on Thursday. If you’ve never been in an infusion room, it’s not comforting. During my first treatment, I had several people next to me; all of them were...
From A Cold To Cancer – My Cancer Discovery

From A Cold To Cancer – My Cancer Discovery

From A Cold To Cancer – My Cancer Discovery Discovering you have cancer is one of the worst experiences in one’s life. There is no doubt that it instantly changes your life as it did mine. I went from experiencing allergy symptoms to cancer in a matter of...


Preface I’m a cancer fighter, a significant other to a fantastic caregiver, a son, a father, and a soon-to-be grandfather. I have spent my life as an entrepreneur and a digital marketer. I’ve realized that life is a journey and a challenge. We have great times and...